Description as a Tweet:

This project is the initial build for a program that attempt to guess the inputted string/number password and tracks the amount of time it takes to guess it.


Wanting to participate in HackUMass as a freshman to make something cool!

What it does:

It scans user input, and iterates through possible passwords until it guesses the correct one, then displays the time it took to guess.

How we built it:

Github and java

Technologies we used:

  • Java

Challenges we ran into:

Learning how to use github (neither of us have used it before)

Accomplishments we're proud of:

It may not be flashy or that interesting, but going to HackUMass with another beginner freshman and spending all day and night on getting this program to work, learning new things and networking was really cool.

What we've learned:

How to use git, github, working as a team, organization skills, visual studio code, testing basic java skills, integrating time.

What's next:

Trying to integrate it into an application/getting input from elsewhere.

Built with:

Java, github, VScode, JGrasp

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Beginner Software Hack

Team Members

Alex Zhang
William Edmonds

Table Number

Table 1