Ever wanted to have your very own MORSE code converter? Our project can convert to and from MORSE code with light, sound, and English alphabets!
We thought that having a way to link the hardware and software together would make for a really cool project, and MORSE code was the first thing we thought of for making something like this
It will take light or sound pulses or English alphabets and convert the pulses (in MORSE code) to English and the English alphabets to MORSE through an LED
We used Arduino and Python. First, we setup some simple start code that will read the values from the photo resistor (light) and a pressure sensor (force). Then, we used the pyserial API to link the Arduino to PyCharm. This way, we can read values from the serial line and use our very well known Python language to write code to manipulate the Serial inputs.
Since most of us did not know Arduino, we had to learn how to use the IDE and get the pyserial working with PyCharm. Then, we had to make it read the values from the photo resistor and pressure sensor. Now, we have to compare the input values from both components to MORSE and convert to English, and then we will need to convert English to MORSE through an LED circuit.
The setup of the Arduino and how we have made a lot of progress in getting the values to read off the Serial line!
Arduino programming and working with circuits and code!
Our CS team members learnt how to program Python!
We have to convert the input pulses to MORSE code and then get to programming English to MORSE code.
Arduino, photo resistor, pressure sensor, wires, breadboard, PyCharm IDE